Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Worst is yet to come

Hoho, the title is just like negated version of "The Best is yet to come". Anyway, I intentionally wrote this for reminding me my "I HAVE TO DO IMMEDIATELY OR I COULD GET KILLED BY THEM" list :

1. 9 hours to go for my Sit-In lab (Sorting, aaaaaah!!!)

2. Malay Drama --> Marketing. T.T

3. Matric Fair --> Emailing the presidents of societies and interest groups.

4. Singapore's Foreign Policy's essay due date 26th March 2008 (I just started making the abstract 2 days ago, still needs more than 1800 words. Gulp)

5. Term test 2 CS2100. aaaaah!

6. Revising MA1506 (i haven't attended the lectures more than 3 weeks)

7. Upcoming German's essay, vocab test, oral test, and semester test.

Huff, so hectic!!!

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